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Analyze and Integrate Your Data With Powerful Web Analytics

Transform your data into actionable intelligence for your business. At Growth Natives, we bring world-class expertise in user behavior tracking and website performance optimization by redefining your analytics strategy. Partner today to unleash the true power of data, measure it, and benchmark your website’s performance.

Elevate Your Data Game With Our Comprehensive Web Analytics Services

Actionable insights turn data into valuable information for future growth, allowing your business to make faster and smarter decisions.

  • Measure online traffic and track user behavior
  • Identify your target audience and improve conversions
  • Boost search engine rankings and online visibility
  • Reduce bounce rates and track business goals

Stay Ahead of the Curve With Our Proactive Web Analytics Services

We offer a wide range of web analytics services to businesses across the board.

Analytics Consulting

Analytics Consulting

Is your current analytics strategy underutilized? Get it up and running with our strategic web analytics services. Our consultants audit your analytical practices and spot the scope of improvements. We help you set business goals and track them for higher conversions. Let us convert data into information and qualify leads based on engagement.

  • Auditing and improving current strategy
  • Aligning analytics to business goals
  • Reskilling and upskilling in-house team
  • Integrating and visualizing data
Data Optimization

Data Optimization

Let us handle analytics strategies and centralize the data sources that drive your business ahead. Our team ensures the data captured is clean and in sync with short and long-term business goals. Take advantage of custom dashboards that let you gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

  • Customizing dashboards and triggering data-driven decisions
  • Creating analytics strategy and implementation
  • Mapping user journey and tracking conversions
  • Monitoring performance and generating reports
Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Take the logical step forward to web analytics, that is, marketing automation. While you may already be using analytics, we put your analytics strategy on autopilot with advanced knowledge. Gain from our in-depth knowledge in analytics and automation to ensure your systems capture data from multiple sources, collate them, and drive your campaign forward.

  • Visualizing the performance of marketing funnel
  • Automating data capturing and analysis
  • Automating dashboard and reporting
  • Driving insights from heatmaps and live recordings

Case Studies

At Growth Natives, we help our customers study their customers’ online behavior, redefining their web analytics strategy. See how we have helped them grow.
Salesforce CPQ Implementation
75% Reduction in Cycle Time With Salesforce CPQ Implementation

A globally renowned brain technology company needed a Salesforce CPQ solution which could resolve issues in their CRM that directly impacted their business plans. Growth Natives worked closely with them to provide a customized automated solution that could...

Salesforce Billing Implementation
69% Improvement in Forecasting Accuracy With Salesforce Billing Implementation

A leading hardware company wanted to optimize its billing and taxation process for the goods sold in the country. A free thorough Salesforce audit by Growth Natives helped identify their billing and invoicing issues which we resolved by delivering a...

Gain Command Over Your Data!

Get deeper insights into customer behavior and needs and make more informed decisions.