Why You Should Use Salesforce Einstein Analytics to Improve B2B Buying
  • Salesforce

Why You Should Use Salesforce Einstein Analytics to Improve B2B Buying

By Sakshi Arora

Jan 12, 20215 min read

When we talk about B2B buying analytics, Salesforce Einstein Analytics pops up in our mind instantly. In case you are not familiar with it, Einstein AI is the data analytics arm of Salesforce. It is developed with the aim of harnessing the true potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in your business functions. 

Every customer wants to have a personalized experience when interacting with a brand online. This feeling is increased manifold when we talk about B2B buying because the B2B sales deals with more significant volumes, higher revenues, and long term relationships with customers.

In contrast to B2C customers, B2B customers often need more assistance because the deals consist of elements that must be tailored according to customers' needs. 

How Einstein Analytics Improves B2B Buying

The B2B buying process has become visibly longer and more complex than before. Why? This is because B2B solutions require greater research and deeper analysis followed by approvals from multiple decision-makers. These complexities introduce several challenges in B2B buying, though they can be taken care of with personalized business interactions. 

But what’s not easily manageable is accurate predictions from sales or service teams even if they have access to relevant data. 

This is where Einstein Analytics comes in and makes life a little easier for you. While humans have a limit for analysis, data analytics and AI allow you to deliver predictions that enhance the buyer’s experience across different purchase points. 

Einstein Analytics is a cloud-based analytics platform powered by a host of AI technologies. It works in conjunction with Salesforce’s multiple cloud solutions and helps a company’s representatives with relevant insights that can increase revenue and deliver better customer experiences.

How Salesforce Einstein Analytics Is Better Than Other Analytics Solutions

Einstein Analytics is home to a wide range of improved tools and features that will help you get the most out of your CRM platform. The best business decisions are always backed up by data. Unless you can harness data analytics and Big Data optimally, you have a slim chance of achieving the desired results.

With AI in analytics, you can expect better control over your operations and move your business forward with a farsighted approach. Once AI is mobilized into the system, it translates into a waterfall effect that results in higher revenue and better customer retention. 

With that being said, let’s take a look at the benefits that Salesforce Einstein Analytics has to offer for your business:

Unified View 

If you deal in analytics processes, you will agree that you need to view multiple objects simultaneously. To establish rules or map the buyer’s journey with your organization, you need to have a unified view of objects. 

Why You Should Use Salesforce Einstein Analytics to Improve B2B Buying - Unified View
Source: FairWarning

If you keep switching between objects, you won’t be able to draw general conclusions and will miss out on critical information every now and then. Einstein Analytics enables you to merge multiple objects into datasets and extract comprehensive insights from them.

Data Source Integration

It is not uncommon for a B2B company to have different vendors for their tools and services. To maintain the harmonious flow of information among different teams such as content, ERP services, and others, you need a solution to integrate data from external sources to a common platform. 

Einstein Analytics solves the problem seamlessly and allows integration from multiple data sources to make your life easier.

Interactive and Intuitive Platform

What good is a dashboard if it is cluttered with data that you cannot use to your advantage? Your analytics tools should allow you to view data from different perspectives, delve deep into the information, and fetch the details you need in a matter of seconds. 

Einstein Analytics allows you to do it all and more. It also highlights the areas you need to act upon to influence crucial business decisions. Moreover, Einstein Analytics’ case-based templates have interfaces suitable for different industries such as insurance, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Fast and Scalable

B2B businesses generate loads of data every day, and you need a platform that can handle that kind of data. Moreover, your analytics solution should be able to process data before it becomes obsolete.

Einstein Analytics can go through millions of rows of data quickly and give you the information you need to customize your services for individual B2B clients.

Artificial Intelligence at Play

Customizations pay off when you can identify your customers’ pain points without an explicit mention and deliver a solution before they ask about it. 

Einstein Analytics identifies trends and analogies in your system with AI and provides you with suggestions to exploit them and create new dimensions to a service. AI finds the relevant information in places you wouldn’t guess and brings it all together in a readily usable format. 

Next Step?

Ensure that you leverage Einstein Analytics and build your AI-driven apps tailored to your customers' needs. In a hypercompetitive B2B market, you need to stay ahead of the competition at all times. 

Einstein Analytics helps you keep that advantage intact and delivers more value to your B2B customers. 

Growth Natives is a one-stop solution for all your Salesforce development needs. Our experts will help you take your business to the big leagues with our customized Salesforce and B2B commerce solutions.

To know more about getting started with Salesforce or upgrading your existing processes, get in touch with our team here or write to us at info@growthnatives.com.

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